Partial and Complete Dentures: A Great Way to Transform Your Smile

September 13, 2021
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One of the first things people notice about us is our smile and how often we show it. While others feel confident about their own, some feel the opposite because of certain factors like missing teeth. In this case, getting dentures in Issaquah should do the job and give you back the confidence you lost. 

A closeup of partial dentures Issaquah

How are Partial and Complete Dentures Different from Each Other?

Dentures are removable dental appliances used to replace missing teeth. If you lost your teeth from injury, tooth decay, or gum disease, dentures are a perfect solution to bring back your pearly whites. 

If you lost one or more teeth, partial dentures may be the answer to that. However, if all teeth are missing, getting complete dentures will often be the recommended option.  

The first step for dentures is getting an impression of the teeth. When there are damaged teeth that need to be extracted, that process will be done next. After they heal, the dentures are put into place by your dentist.

What are the Benefits of Having Dentures? 

Dentures are far more beneficial to their wearer besides simply transforming their smile.  

They Prevent Teeth from Shifting

Having a missing tooth will cause the neighboring tooth to shift and move. This movement further destroys the appearance of your smile as this can make your teeth overlap each other or cause interdental gaps.  

It’s important to note though that it may feel a little odd when your dentures are new. But that feeling will soon go away once your facial muscles have been accustomed to them. You’ll also be comfortable once you’ve gotten used to inserting and removing them.

They Maintain the Formation of Your Jaw

Teeth shifting can lead to a change in the structure of your jaw. Those who don’t do anything about their missing teeth soon develop a shrunken jaw, which deforms their facial appearance down the line.  

Since dentures are made to look like natural teeth, there should be little to no difference in the way you look after you get them.

They Give You a Better Bite

Probably the best outcome dentures can give is to allow you a better bite. Each tooth we have has a specific function in biting, cutting, and chewing food. Losing some will cause alterations in these necessary functions.  

However, eating a few weeks after getting dentures may be uncomfortable for some wearers. If so, try soft foods first or slice them into smaller portions. Once you’ve adjusted to them, you may add more foods to your diet. It’s also necessary to be careful with hard and sharp-edged foods since they may damage your dentures.  

A closeup of dentures Issaquah

Get Your Dentures in Issaquah

Getting partial or complete dentures is an easy way to fix the quality of your smile. Dentures are famous teeth replacement solutions not only because they are less invasive but also because they are more affordable compared to other alternatives. 

At Apex Dental Care, we aim to be a one-stop clinic for your family’s dental needs as we cater to all age groups, including children. We strive to live up to our name, giving you only the best experience and results. Contact our friendly staff today to discuss how we can help you.

Everything you need for an amazing smile

The APEX Dental Care team can’t wait to see you!

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