Treatment Options for Gum Disease

February 21, 2022
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Gum disease is a collection of diseases affecting the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth. The most common symptoms of gum disease include gums that bleed when brushed, teeth that feel loose, and teeth that feel as though they have shifted positions. If left untreated, gum disease can cause tooth loss and increased risk of other health problems such as heart disease and diabetes. Gum disease treatment in Issaquah aims to halt the progression of the disease and reverse some of the damage that has already been done.  

a patient needing gum disease treatment in Issaquah

Ways to Treat Gum Disease  

Non-Surgical Treatments  

In some cases, gum disease can be treated using non-surgical procedures, which include:  

Professional Deep Cleaning  

The treatment is a non-surgical option you can use to help slow the progression of gum disease and reduce tooth loss. The procedure includes using a specialized gum disease treatment tool with an ultrasonic cleaner to remove the tartar and soft tissue from the gum line.  

It helps increase the likelihood that the diseased tissues will be removed and replaced with healthy tissue. The treatment is also effective in preventing the formation of new tartar and plaque.  

Scaling and Root Planing  

The root planing procedure is often used for patients who have had gum disease for an extended period. The procedure combines a scaler to remove tartar and plaque and a special scaler that smoothens the gum line. The treatment intends to remove as much tartar and plaque as possible along with tissue and stimulate new bone growth.  

In most cases, the procedure successfully treats the disease. However, the disease will return if not treated regularly, so a patient must be careful while on the "treat and prevent" regimen.  

Surgical Treatments  

When gum disease has advanced and destroyed the bone structure, it usually requires surgical procedures to allow the bone and other tissues to restore and regrow. These procedures include:  

Bone Grafts  

The procedure is typically used for treating patients who have had a substantial amount of bone loss. The bone graft replaces the diseased bone and provides the structure necessary to support the teeth for the remainder of the patient's life. The treatment does not permanently remove the disease but reduces the pain and provides a foundation for continued treatment.  

It is important to note that patients who undergo this approach must be very diligent about their oral hygiene after the procedure. In many cases, the disease will return. Therefore, a bone graft is not a permanent solution but a bridge to permanent treatment.  

Guided Tissue Regeneration  

When the diseased gum tissue has been removed, this procedure creates a new periodontium (the gum tissue that supports and protects the teeth). The procedure, which is currently in its early stages of research and development, aims to increase attachment and bone replacement within the surrounding jawbone.  

As a result of the procedure, the patient has a better chance of preserving the natural tooth structure than having their tooth structure destroyed, as occurs with traditional periodontal disease treatments. In most cases, you can combine this method with the bone grafting procedure described above. However, it may be used as a sole treatment in some cases.  

a patient gets gum disease treatment in Issaquah

Looking for Reliable Gum Disease Treatment in Issaquah?  

If you're one of the many people experiencing periodontal disease symptoms, it's important to seek treatment as soon as possible. Gum disease is treatable, but left untreated can lead to tooth loss and other health problems. To learn more about the treatment options available to you, visit our contact page at APEX Dental Care.

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